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Child development in adoptive families in the UK: Preliminary results from the Empowering Adoptive F

This research study is about child and adolescent well-being in adoptive families to examine how adoption, children's pre-adoptive experiences and childrearing practices can best promote child and adolescent well-being. We want to find out what works to promote well-being in different types of families. We would like to invite more parents to participate in this study, so we can collect a diverse array of experiences and of family arrangements and look at experiences of different groups in greater detail. In particular, we would like to invite gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender parents, parents who adopted as a single parent, parents who have adopted internationally and parents with older or teenage children to take part. If you have not taken part in this study yet, we would really welcome your help and views. Please click this link to the online questionnaire:

The photo below was taken at Conference on Adoption in Portugal. Pedro Alexandre Costa presented the study "Empowering Adoptive Families" and its aims to an audience of adoption workers, researchers and policy makers in the field.

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